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& Inspections

Domestic, Commercial, Industrial, SmartHomes & Electric Vehicle Charging.

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Test & Inspections

Regular testing & inspections of existing electrical installations are paramount in proving their safety and integrity. No electrical system can be considered ‘Safe’ for use until it has been inspected, tested and certified..

Generally existing electrical installations deteriorate over time and use and should be tested on a scheduled basis, to ensure compliance with Spanish electrical wiring & Installation regulations ( Reglamento Electrotécnico para Baja Tensión ) REBT 842/2002.

It is important for the person responsible for the maintenance of the electrical installation to be sure that the safety of it’s users are not put at any risk and that the installation continues to be in a safe and serviceable condition.

After an initial Visual inspection, several electronic tests are carried out by injected test voltages and current through the system to determine the integrity and functionality of cables, accessories and usability of the installation.



Electrical Testing Equipment - PAT


What is a Periodic Inspection?

The Periodic Inspection or EICR (Electrical Installation Condition Report) is the formal method of recording the findings of the test and inspection and to ascertain the condition of an existing electrical installations, to identify (in order of priority) any deficiencies against safety and REBT 842/2002 ( the most recent version of which came into force on the 18th September 2003 ).

Describing the overall condition of the installation as being either “Satisfactory” or “Unsatisfactory”. If the installation is found to be in a satisfactory condition then no immediate remedial action is needed, but should the installation be found to be in an unsatisfactory condition then remedial action will be required to bring the installation into a safe and serviceable condition and this should be done without delay. All observations and recommendations that are made during the test and inspection are recorded.

Keeping records of the results of inspection and testing can be useful, and can prove Important for future tests to compare any deterioration that may or may not arise.

So How Much Will All This Cost?

We will attend your premises and carry out the Periodic Test and Inspection for only €150.00 for a domestic dwelling from a studio to 2 bedrooms and from €200.00 for 3 to 5 bedrooms, a genuine bargain which will be very hard to beat, clear concise pricing, what you see is what you pay.

For Commercial & Industrial installations please contact us for a comprehensive pricing structure.


This type of certification is increasingly being required by Unelco-Endesa, Industria, Town halls & Insurance companies.

At 9 Plus Instalaciones, we consider test & inspections to be as Important as that of installation works, experienced eyes are just as much essential tools as good test instruments.
We recommend a frequency of inspection & testing:

  • • Every three to five years
    • On a change of ownership, tenancy or short letting.
    • In cases where defects are noted we can advise on remedial works and obtain quotations if required.
    • On change of activity of premises
    • Or for simple peace of mind

We will work closely with you to fit in with shutdown periods (if required) to reduce any disruption to your home, business or workplace.

If you have any questions or would like to speak with us regarding our test & inspection services, please contact us we will be only happy to assist.

MFT – Multifunctional Test Equipment

This is not a comprehensive list as we can cater for any of your electrical requirements.
If you have any questions or would like to speak with us regarding any electrical installations, please contact us we will be only happy to assist.

Resumen en español
<strong>Comprobaciones e Inspecciones</strong>

Inspecciones y comprobaciones periódicas de las instalaciones eléctricas son fundamentales para demostrar su seguridad e integridad. Los Sistemas eléctricos no pueden ser considerados “seguros” para su uso hasta que hayan sido inspeccionados, probados y certificados.

Generalmente las instalaciones eléctricas existentes se deterioran con el tiempo y el uso y deben ser comprobados de forma planificada para garantizar el cumplimiento del Reglamento Electrotécnico para Baja Tensión (REBT 842/2002).

Es importante que la persona responsable del mantenimiento de la instalación eléctrica se asegure de que los usuarios no estén expuestos a ningún riesgo y que la instalación sigua siendo segura y que esté en buenas condiciones.

Tras una primera inspección visual, varias pruebas electrónicas son llevadas a cabo por medio de tensiones de ensayo para determinar la integridad y funcionalidad de los cables, accesorios y la utilización de la instalación.

Qué es una inspección periódica?

El informe de inspección periódica es la forma de registro formal de los resultados de la prueba, la inspección y comprobación del estado de las instalaciones eléctricas existentes, para identificar (en orden de prioridad) las deficiencias de seguridad y contra el Reglamento ( que entró en vigor el 18 de septiembre de 2003).

La condición general de la instalación podrá ser determinada como “Satisfactoria” o “Insatisfactoria”. Si es considerada como Insatisfactoria es necesaria la adopción de medidas correctivas para recuperar los niveles de seguridad del usuario.


Support and Development
  • 01. Date : 26.05.2021
  • 02. Clients : of 9 Plus Instalaciones
  • 03. Category : Design
  • 04. Online : 9plusonline.com
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