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Surveys are an essential ideal when purchasing any kind of property which contains an electrical installation here in Spain.

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Surveys are an essential ideal when purchasing any kind of property which contains an electrical installation here in Spain. We specialize in reporting on the condition of electrical installations in buildings, rather like the MOT on motor vehicles.

Surveying Equipment for Electrical Installations

This service is designed to offer the home buyer or commercial premises purchaser a clear and precise survey to establish the overall condition of the electrical installation prior to purchase and could be used to inform their lenders, surveyors or architects with a clear statement on the condition of the electrical installation

Avoid costly repairs or even a re-wire by establishing the condition of the installation before exchange and signing of contracts this particular point is of most Importance when purchasing a domestic dwelling, bar or restaurants here in Spain as untold and unforeseen costing could well arise due to not having acquired this information before the purchase was completed.

The Test & Inspection part of this website will contain more a formal description about procedures; surveys include testing the earthing arrangements which take effect in the event of a fault occurring on the installation and are one of the prime protections against the possibility of electric shock. It will also Include measurements of the optimum condition of the cable used in the installation, to assess whether re-wiring is necessary. Subsequent testing will Indicate whether the wiring system is deteriorating rapidly with age.

Most banks and mortgage lenders have in their small print exclusions of coverage in the direct result of an electrical fire or damage caused by faulty wiring to a property. Before providing cover on older properties or properties that have been extensively renovated an insurer may require an electrical survey to be undertaken. We are familiar with insurers’ requirements and will ensure our report will meet their needs.

Regardless of whether your lender insists on it, it is often worth obtaining an electrical survey of a property immediately before or after its purchase and especially before any refurbishments are administrated. The report can be used to assess the cost (if any) of bringing the property up to modern safety standards and even if everything proves satisfactory provides peace of mind that your new home or business are electrically safe & sound.

These surveys could be used in conjunction with the sale or purchase to reassure your potential buyer of the properties Integrity or to strike a deal for any remedial works and inconveniences needs to bring the electrical installations up to standard.

New switches & sockets and a fancy consumer unit ( fuse or mains board ) may not constitute to a safe electrical installation.

If you have any questions or would like to speak with us regarding any electrical installations, please contact us we will be only happy to assist.

Schneider Control Units

  • 01. Date : 26.05.2021
  • 02. Clients : of 9 Plus Instalaciones
  • 03. Category : Design
  • 04. Online : 9plusonline.com
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