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New Endesa Access Tariffs – 2.0TD

New Endesa Access Tariffs – 2.0TD

Endesa Access Tariff – 2.0TD – Applicable from the 1st of June 2021

A new regulation has changed the way our electricity access tariffs work. Here’s how it’ll affect your electricity bill in 2021.

The new rate structure came into affect on 1st of June 2021. It is a change regulated by law, to which all marketers have to adapt. At 9 Plus Instalaciones we have followed the regulated structure of tolls and charges and have transferred it to the new rates. Thus, there will be the new 2.0TD rate, for domestic contracts, small companies and commercial premises (explanation below),

and the new rates for company contracts, for more than 15 kW of power or high consumption (explanation coming soon). All contracts of up to 15 kW and low consumption (mostly domestic and some small companies and commercial premises) will automatically go to the 2.0TD rate, (swapping automatically from 2.0A & 2.1A tariffs with or without nocturnal discrimination) which have three time periods with three different energy prices.

Changes to the access tariffs. How do they affect your bill?

In June 2021, a new regulation on electricity access tariffs comes into force. It aims to promote a more efficient energy consumption.

Access tariffs have always been part of your electricity bill. They can currently account for more than 40% of what you end up paying on your bill. It is a concept regulated by the government

Changes to access tariffs stem from an attempt to promote energy efficiency. Specifically, they involve the following:

  • High-power installations and peak-hour consumption are penalised.
  • Consumption is encouraged in off-peak hours.

What are the changes?

  • Before the new regulations: the access tariffs applied a single price for the energy consumed, regardless of the time of day, unless time-of-use tariffs had been arranged (in this case, there were 2 or 3 slots with different prices). For contracted power, access tariffs were the same price for all hours of the day.
  • With the new regulation: regulated access tariffs and charges will have 2 time slots with different prices for power and 3 slots for consumption.

Will your electricity tariff change in 2021?

Since this mandatory change was announced, Endesa has been working to adapt all its tariffs to these changes.

  • In the energy you use: Endesa will adapt your current conditions to these regulated changes, always looking for the best option for your consumer profile. Endesa say they will adapt to you.
  • In the power you have contracted: by default, you will keep the same contracted power for all hours, but you can choose to have two different contractual powers, one for daytime and one for nights and weekends.

What does it mean that you can arrange two different powers?

The contracted power is measured in kW and is the maximum electricity power that you can have at any given time. In everyday terms, it’s the maximum number of appliances you can have running at once.

Until now, the rule only allowed you to have a single power. Therefore, each user was forced to arrange a contracted power that met their maximum needs, even if they were concentrated in a very specific time slot. 

With the new regulation, you can have a higher power and a lower power according to your needs.

Are you going to spend more or less on your electricity bill?

The answer to this question will depend on how efficient you manage to be in your energy consumption.

This reform can increase or reduce your bill depending on your consumer profile and power optimisation.

Today more than ever, what you need is a tariff that fits your lifestyle and optimised power. Endesa, or whichever suppliers you choose, will provide you with both so that your electricity bill can change for the better in 2021.

Peak period (punta) – P1: 10:00 to 14:00 and 18:00 to 22:00 pm, During these periods are when the energy will be most expensive (0.224 euros / kWh without taxes). This is the part of the new tariffs that we at 9 Plus Instalaciones aren’t in agreeance with, as for the 9:00 to 17:00 worker, 18:00 to 22:00 are the times where they would use the most electricity. This tariff can be almost double what they are paying now throughout a working week.

Flat period (llano) – P2: from 8:00 to 10:00, from 14:00 to 18:00. and from 22:00 to 24:00. During these periods, energy will not be as cheap as in the valley period, nor as expensive as in the peak period (price per kilowatt hour KW/h will be 0.127 euros / kWh without taxes).

Valley period (Valle) – P3: from 24:00 to 8:00 in the morning. During this period, the energy used will be cheaper than the two previous at (0.084 euros / kWh without taxes).

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Thank you for reading.

Mark Fradley
Nine Plus Instalaciones & Certification
Safety, Quality & Service

